
Decides on the establishment

The Supervisory Board performs the following functions:

  - Approve the budget of the Bank;

  - Elect and recall members of the Board;

  - Supervises the activities of the Board;

  - Establishes procedures for the audits and controls;

  - Decides and determines the order of losses;

  - Decides on the establishment, reorganization and liquidation of legal
 persons with Bank branches, representative offices, approval of
 Statutes, decides on the Bank's participation in the creation of banking
 associations and participation in industrial and financial groups;

  - Approves the Regulations of the Board, the provisions of the Loan
 Committee of Bank Regulation on the Internal Audit;

  - Defines the external auditor and the contract being concluded with
 it, including the coordinates of payment for his services;

  - Decides on the appointment and dismissal of
 Chief auditor;

  - Decides on the election (change) Registrar holders
 securities of the Bank and approval of the contract to be signed with
 it sets the amount of payment for his services;

  - Determines the probability of recognition of the Bank insolvent as a result of
 acceptance of its obligations or its performance, including
 payment of dividends or redemption of shares and so on.

 Executive authority is the Bank Board, which manages
 daily operations of the Bank, formation of funds necessary for its
 statutory activities, and is responsible for the effectiveness of its
 work in accordance with the principles and procedures established by the Charter,
 decisions of the General Meeting and the Supervisory Board as well as the Regulation on
 Board, approved by the Supervisory Board.  Within its
 competence of the Board on behalf of the Bank, accountable to the General Assembly and
 Supervisory Board, provide for the implementation of their decisions.