
Bank disclosed in the manner specified

"Raiffeisen Bank Aval" to Open Joint Stock Company
 "Raiffeisen Bank Aval".  PAT "Raiffeisen Bank Aval" is the successor
 all rights and obligations of OJSC "Raiffeisen Bank Aval".

 At the heart of its activities as well as any legal entity governed by
 Charter.  This document defines the procedure for the establishment, implementation
 economic activity and the termination of PAT "Raiffeisen Bank
 Aval "[58].

 The Bank is a universal bank determines the direction of the
 activities and specialization by type of operation.

 Information about the Bank disclosed in the manner specified
 internal documents of the Bank and the laws of Ukraine. 

 The governing bodies of the Bank are:

  - The General Meeting of Shareholders;

  - The Supervisory Board;

  - The Board.

 Control over the activities of the Bank's Audit Committee and
 internal audit of the bank.