
Separation and termination

- Approval of the Rules of the General Meeting of Shareholders, Regulations
 the Supervisory Board of Bank Regulation on the Audit Committee and
 and amendments thereto;

  - Approval of the annual results of the Bank's approval of reports
 and conclusions of the Audit Committee of the Bank external audit;

  - Decision on the consideration of reports of the Supervisory Board,
 Board, the Audit Committee;

  - Distribution of profit of the Bank, the decision to pay dividends;

  - Separation and termination of the Bank's liquidation of the Bank, the election
 liquidation commission and approval of the terms of liquidation,
 the allocation of shareholder assets remaining after
 creditors' claims, and the approval of the liquidation balance sheet;

  - Adoption of principles (Code) corporate governance;

  - Commit significant transactions, if the market value of property or services
 which is the subject of the transaction is 25 percent or more
 assets according to the latest annual financial statements,
 and contracts for which there is interest in the cases provided

  - Decisions on the procedure of the General Assembly.

 The Supervisory Board protects the rights and interests of shareholders representing
 Bank monitors and regulates the activities of the Board of the Bank within
 competence, which is defined by the Statute and Regulations of the Supervisory Board
 Bank approved by the General Meeting.