
together the following: attracting deposits

The legal framework for bank establishment and basic principles
 their activities are regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking
 activity "of 07.  12.  00 number 2121-III (latest edition from 24.11.2009 to
 basis of 1533-17).  It stated that the bank - a legal entity that has
 exclusive rights under a license of the National Bank of Ukraine
 carry out together the following: attracting deposits cash
 assets of individuals and entities and placing these funds on
 own name, on its own terms and at their own risk, discovery and management
 bank accounts of individuals and legal entities. [6]

 Banks are legal entities.  They are completely economically independent
 independent of the executive authorities in the decisions
 related to their operational activities, as well as the requirements and instructions
 not complying with current legislation.

 All commercial banks are subject to the National Bank of Ukraine.
 The National Bank of Ukraine for each commercial bank has
 authorization in the form of licenses to conduct banking transactions [10].